Wednesday, January 25, 2012

vCenter Operations 5: Demand vs Supply for each VM

The screenshot below shows the "VM Inventory" view of vCenter Operations 5 (it is still in beta). It is showing performance data, not configuration data. To be precise, it is showing analysed data. It is showing the following info:

1.       Days Remaining. Based on the 4 components (CPU, RAM, Disk, Network), how many days before the VM hits the configured capacity.

2.       Demand. Demand ≠ Usage.

a.       Usage may mean passive usage. E.g. the RAM page is there but no write/read.

b.      So demand is a more accurate reflection.

3.       Contention.

a.       This is interesting. If you know the formula or how it derives this, would be grateful if you share.

4.       Disk I/IO demand and Disk I/O Contention.

a.       This will be useful as some Apps Owner may perceive that his application generates a lot of IO.


The screenshot was based on Full HD resolution. As you can see I still have to scroll to the left, as the network info is not shown. If you're managing a large farm (>1000 VM), I recommend you use 2x 24" screen (each is portrait). Now that would be really cool! J



Now, the table above does not show which element (CPU, RAM, Disk, Network) would run out. To do that, you need to drill down. The screenshow below shows that it is the Reservation that is causing the above to show 0.


The screenshot below shows the full details. The Legend on the right shows the actual counters used in the table. You can display them as Chart too.



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